Sunday, 19 January 2014

Voodoo Six "Songs To Invade Countries To"

Where do I begin with this band? A mixture of feelings come into play when I listen to Voodoo Six. Feelings of nostalgia of the good old days when I first discovered the classics such as Zep, Purple and that lot.

After endless spins of their previous album "Fluke" (which was solid) and knowing they had a new album on the works,  I was left wondering: Could their previous output have been a just a fluke? or a threshold of a long road of successful Rock stardom? Thankfully for them and their fans the latter applies.

As I wrote in a comment above this albums has a 70's aura reminiscent of the bands already mentioned with extremely groovy riffs that make some of the songs quite memorable yet it manages to sound modern at times specially during the choruses giving the whole album a well balanced vibe of a vintage sound and a modern one alike. 

Songs like "Falling Knives", "Sink Or Swim", "Stop" (which has a kind of funky riff that creates some sort of rhythm friction with the drums and makes it very interesting) and "One More Day" fall into my favourites category and becomes essential listens when playing the album.

On the other hand trying to describe the variety on each track becomes a needless task as there is not much variety in here, and maybe that's where the alums falters a bit. I personally would have liked the and to be a tad more experimental with their sound as it sounds a bit samey at places. But hey! you find some of the biggest names in Rock never altered their sound and that became their trademark.

So aside the repetitiveness factor I find "Songs To Invade Countries To" to be a very enjoyable listen with some of the grooviest riffs I've heard since Audioslave :p and I can't wait to hear what direction will the following offering will take.


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